the beginning

Silver Strand Financial Planning (SSFP) began as a dream of finding a way to help people in a different way than what was available to me in other places.  I had a desire to create a firm that focused on helping people.  I know that if you ask most people in my business they would say the exact same thing.  So what differentiates what I do at SSFP from everyone else?  It starts with the focus.  SSFP is focused on helping families without regard to the assets that the family has.  SSFP works with families who want to live financially responsible lives and helping them understand that enjoying life now, preparing for the future, investing in life long memories, and passing on financial knowledge and skills to their children is all possible.  What I have found in my time working with clients is that most families believe that they have to choose one of these things and just hope the rest works out.  What I believe is that it is all possible!  You can “have your cake and eat it too.” 

It begins with a conversation to help a family properly define their current financial situation, their family and money values, and their future dreams.  Creating this foundation allows me to begin to help relieve anxiety, stress, and even sorrow that may be present when families first meet with me because they do not see a way to balance the present and the future.  As we spend time together, I will begin to develop a framework to show you how we can achieve balance and how if we take the correct steps this can become your reality.  As we bring your plan to life you will see that it is a map, not a destination.  It is a journey that we embark on together and a relationship that will be built over time.  I know that there will be twists and turns because life happens, and then we review the map to figure out where we are, if things need to be adjusted or if we are still on plan, just a different route. 

I understand that there is more to life than money and that in all we do, our values should come first.  You are unique and you need a unique plan for your family.  I also believe that we are striving for progress and not perfection - small steps in the right direction over a long period of time can create a beautiful journey.


Have the rules changed?